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Prayers of the Water Saints

LWW's SE Mexico Network shares their joys and concerns for SE Mexico.
2018 09 20 14.21.42
Dear Living Waters for the World Friends,
 From now on, when you shop on, PLEASE use our LWW Amazon link to access their site.  Living Waters for the World receives a referral fee (5% of your order total on average) whenever you use our LWW Amazon link.    Nothing in this process changes what items cost, the way you order, pay for, or arrange for shipping.  You are just navigating to the site through our "door" and more clean water flows for those in need - how amazing is that?!   You can use the link right from the main page of the LWW web site, or, in less than a minute you can place the link button directly on your browser's favorites tool bar. click here to place the link button.This is a simple, effective way to help more children and their families receive clean water as you go about your day to day activities.  Click here to shop now.

Living Waters for the World
5016 Spedale Ct., #399 | Spring Hill, TN 37174
phone: 615-261-4008
fax: 615-261-4010